2 min readAug 1, 2017


What if we all loved one another?

So. This is a different kind of rant. Different than my usual reminders that people in Syria are being unlawfully killed, that Palestine is under occupation (and we’re doing nothing about it), that Iraq matters too..just as much as all the horrible attacks that have happened everywhere else in the world, and so on.

I’m sitting at a cafe in L.A. in the company of my favorite book and I’ve been here for a while. Long enough to hear people talk about arranged marriages (yes, arranged marriages are not limited to Muslims) Trump wanting to destroy Obama’s legacy (yes, Trump is not America), and broken hearts. And one conversation broke my heart. An old man was reminiscing over his ex-wife’s favorite bottle of wine while I read the following lines:

“It was always like this. When you spoke the truth, they hated you. The more you talked about love, the more they hated you.”

And that just made me think of all the people who feel broken-hearted, anywhere in the world, for any reason. There really isn’t anything worse than a heart that breaks, right? And it made me think of how better the whole world would be if we had hearts and minds constantly full of love and compassion. I think that the we would be in a much better place. Certainly one that is much less poor. Less discriminatory. Less racist. Less violent. I can’t imagine a world full of love and violence and all that precedes and follows it because the two are not compatible.




'Everything I learned, I learned from the movies' - Humanitarian - @Swarthmore Grad